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Steven Ho

Get to Know Us: 5 Questions with Steven Ho

What is your role at Quontic and why did you choose Quontic as your employer?
I am a Senior Loan Officer and I help everyday people get loans for their homes. I chose Quontic because we stand out as a lender and not the traditional brick and mortar bank. We do things and have programs that break the norms of lending.

If you could have entrance music play when you come into the office, what would it be?
The theme song to the Chicago Bulls in the ’90s. That was my era and they were the best team during that time. And I believe we are the best team in this era!

Define the word Quontic, for the dictionary:
I kind of cheated here on this one because I was told Quontic is a mixture of a work Q (Quality) and Ontic (of good quality in Greek). So at Quontic, each employee is of good Quality.

Quick, name another word that starts with “Q”:

Why does breaking the system for financial empowerment matter to you, personally?
This, to me, means evolution and breaking ground into new territory in our industry. To excel in an industry requires financial empowerment and breakthrough of evolution in ideas and technology. That’s what financial empowerment means.

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