Why doesn’t my Social Security number appear on the 1099 Tax Form?
The IRS requires us to prepare 1099 Tax Forms in the name and Social Security number of the Primary Account Holder.
Can my Tax Form be forwarded to a different mailing address set up with the United State Postal Service?
No, the Tax Form will not be forwarded to your alternative mailing address set with the United State Postal Service. The Tax form will be returned to our Quontic office if its undeliverable.
Can I view my Tax Documents Online?
You cannot view the 1099 tax form in your Online Banking Portal.
Whom can I contact with questions about my Quontic 1099 tax forms?
Please contact Quontic via the secure Message Center through your online banking portal or visiting our Contact Us Page.
What if I didn’t receive my tax document?
Depending on the postal service, you will receive your Tax Form within 7-13 business days from January 9th, 2024. Please click here to request your tax form if it’s been over the estimated time of arrival. We will process your request as quickly as possible, and the response time will depend upon the volume at the time […]
Need to update your mailing address to a PO BOX?
Please contact Quontic via the secure Message Center through your online banking portal or visiting our Contact Us Page.